Disappointment At Peak For Google As Company Forced To Delay Its AI Gemini Model To Next Year

It seems like tech giant Google’s AI plans are going through a rough patch as the company announced how it would now be forced to delay its LLM Gemini to next year.

While development plans were set for early delivery in 2023, that’s not happening as mentioned today.

The news arises from media outlet The Information which published a new report speaking about how the project won’t be seeing this month as their launch date as was planned at the start.

Moreover, we’re also hearing about how it could arrive during Q1 of next year, making it a huge delay and not one that the tech giant was looking forward to. But for now, no details have been provided in terms of why Google has opted to push back the launch.

However, the head of Google did give hints about how this might be the only decision that they’re being left with as the firm focuses more on getting it at par with other competitors and ensuring its design is truly state of the art.

Meanwhile, the report added how one other major factor regarding this decision could be linked to Google facing great strength from its opposing AI rival which is OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

Ever since the breakthrough rollout of ChatGPT which has really emerged as the next best thing in terms of popularity, we’re becoming more and more aware of the fact that its dominating power isn’t slowing down anything soon.

Throughout the massive generative AI wave that we witnessed this year, we’ve seen it transform into a huge force that people simply couldn’t get enough of.

Not only did it work as a leading generator for online content for regular citizens, but we also saw firms make use of it for processes like fast summaries linked to long-form reports. In the same way, it was used for the likes of designing new apps that would help with internal management as well as projections.

So far, it’s been truly successful and we’ve even heard about how the parent firm OpenAI was left with no decision but to halt sign-ups for its ChatGPT Plus endeavor because all of its respective servers could no longer facilitate any more users.

Now, the question is what does Google have in mind in terms of its next course of action while it moves ahead in the race? Well, as per reports from The Information, the team at Google wishes to ensure this primary model is just as great or even better as the GPT-4 variant which happens to be OpenAI’s latest offering.

As one can expect, that’s a major order. Remember, the fact that GPT-4 is dubbed as being multimodal means it can take on videos, text, and even speech as prompts from users who wish to make new content or whether they are in the mood of putting out a query.

Similarly, we are well aware of the latest model offering the best performance when compared to other variants of the past. Hence, it’s not capable of doing more than a single task at any given moment in time.

As far as Google’s Gemini is concerned, the firm shed light on how it has a few things in mind. It hopes to use AI technology to better power creator tools across YouTube. Similarly, it wants to enable upgrades for Bard and even enhance the famous Google Assistant.

At the moment, it has succeeded in making mini Gemini variants that it claims are designed to take on various types of tasks. For now, the main focus is linked to making the main model the best product out there and also to ensuring it’s functional to the masses. And that’s exactly where the delay seems to be arising from.

Lastly, Google wishes it could get advertisers on its side with this AI launch. Remember, this is where the majority of Google’s revenue and profits come from so that’s why executives in the firm are wishing for advertising campaigns that can entail pictures and text while video content may be in the pipeline later on as well.

Google delays LLM Gemini AI, facing ChatGPT competition, working to rival GPT-4 and improve YouTube, Bard, Google Assistant, and advertising.
Photo: DIW/ AI-gen

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