Google Drive Users Report Mysterious Disappearance Of Files From Their Cloud Storage

Several users of Google Drive have recently generated complaints regarding the mysterious vanishing of their files from Cloud Storage.

The news has left users confused who are now demanding an answer as the files were reported to be present since the month of May and to have them disappear without any form of warning is alarming for obvious reasons.

The complaints were highlighted by several outlets showing that the issue started to arise in the past week after a Korean user that goes by the name Yoenjoong published his complaints across the Google Support platform and explained how it was annoying to have useful files just vanish without a warning.

He also explained how the drive simply shifted back to a state seen in May of this year and all the data between May and today appears to have gone, proving extreme inconvenience to users like him and many others.

This particular support request went on to talk about how Google Drive failed to show changes in the activity of the user since May of this year. But thankfully, there were no files being trashed manually as none can be found in the bin. Similarly, he added that you could no longer find any file-sharing type of request in the setup too, just files vanishing into thin air.

One member from Google Support did get into contact with the users who began the discussion thread and quoted a few words from the company to better handle the matter. The statement comprised an apology where the representative spoke about not being able to connect with the users for the discussion on the concerning matter but vowed to track the cause of the issue down.

The case is currently being monitored by the firm and he reassured the users that they are not being specifically targeted for any reason. This is a glitch that all users are facing and the complaints on this front keep growing with each passing day.

For now, the team of product engineers at Google Drive is trying to find the answer to the root cause of the matter. They similarly advised how anyone who did indeed experience such behavior has been urged to prevent making changes to data folders, till the company realizes the issue thoroughly and would be able to find a proper solution, restoring full access to those customer accounts that were affected by this mysterious happening.

The company acknowledged how the number of reports they are receiving continues to grow on a daily basis. Right now, they are still getting complaints from many and they wish to find a proper solution and get users’ access back to them like old times.

No reports were generated regarding the time taken for engineers to find the root cause, and neither was any time frame outlined in terms of when users can expect the issue to be solved.

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