Apple Will Support RCS In 2024 For Better Cross-Platform Texting Between iPhone And Android Users

It appears like the prayers of those fed up with the clunky system of iPhone and Android texting have been answered. And that’s because a new report by 9to5Mac claims Apple is all set to support RCS by the end of next year.

The news is huge because the complaints from so many Android and iPhone individuals have been plenty. We agree that such reports do not mean the war taking place amongst green and blue text bubbles is over but it’s definitely a huge step in the right direction to overcome the mighty challenges that come with it.

For those who may not be aware, the popular Rich Communication Services, or RCS in short is a breakthrough rollout that will enable features exclusive to iMessage to now be up for grabs on cross-platform texting.

So that means you’ll see read receipts, better quality images, videos, and typing indicators all be up for grabs here.

As per the latest reports from 9to5Mac, this is going to be functional across Wi-Fi as well as cellular data. It’s an enhancement arising through the likes of SMS and MMS that is designed to only allow users to send out messages via cellular data.

It’s very important to remember how iMessage will not disappear or vanish at any near possible date. It’s going to be operational for texting between one Apple device to the next. Similarly, it will be supporting the likes of encryption but the iPhone maker said recently that the encryption it encompasses will remain the most secure one of them all.

This is a huge shocker because we last heard Apple’s CEO mention last year that he was not keen on the idea of introducing it, especially quoting how the demand for it was not at the level that would encourage the idea of texting between cross-platforms.

And if that was not enough, the CEO was shocked when an audience member who requested the feature, added how she should make the switch to Apple from Android if he was having trouble with texting. For now, Apple is yet to publicly release any response to queries on the matter. But clearly, the news is huge.

Meanwhile, on the other end of the spectrum, top executives at Google are not remaining silent on the matter regarding how similar their experiences have been in terms of texting between iPhone and Android.

Moreover, there was one person who published on X the response of Tim Cook about not wishing for better cross-platform texting was a clear indicator of how he wished more Android users to make the switch to Apple’s iPhones.

That’s when we saw Google play its own fair share of gimmicks with the launch of a teaser ad in January about how Apple needs to have the ball rolling in regards to showing support for RCS so that texting between iPhone and Android could be enhanced.

This was linked to a campaign dubbed ‘Get the Message’ and as per Android’s statements, it was designed to help Apple show greater support for RCS as the trend for cross-platform texting was not a new one and really needed to be addressed by the tech giant.

Then in May of this year, Google did not fall short of its efforts again. We saw a top executive mention how people should not be worrying about the types of devices each person has when it comes to texting across group chats.

At the popular I/O Keynote this year, the same Google executive boldly declared how much he wanted each mobile platform to take up RCS and that got the loudest cheer and applause from those seated in the audience.

Photo: DIW / AI-Gen

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