X Considers Ad-Free Premium Subscription Option

What do you hate the most while using any social media app or video-sharing platform? Is it the ad service that breaks your loop while using your favorite app? Don't lie; you just nodded your head. Ahh, we can understand you. And who knows this ad service might just be terminated. Yes, you heard it right: now you can get rid of these unwanted ads while using Twitter. Here we tell you how.

In a development that mirrors Meta's potential exploration of ad-free subscriptions, X is also reportedly delving into the world of ad-free premium subscriptions, aiming to entice more users to embrace X Premium.

X News Daily code snippets have revealed fascinating signals within X's Premium account choices. Notably, tags are linked to "Half ads in For You," a current subscriber perk, and "No ads in For You," implying that a new subscription tier is in the pipeline.

While the specific purpose of these tags is unknown, speculation is rife that they could represent a new subscription option. This might entail users paying a monthly charge to say goodbye to the annoying adverts that usually populate their primary feed.

But here's the catch – if X does indeed venture down this ad-free avenue, it's likely that the cost of entry will be higher than the current $8 price tag for X Premium. The reason is simple: X currently rakes in approximately $12 per user per month from ad revenue alone. To make an ad-free X Premium economically viable, it would need to charge at least this amount.

However, each user who chooses the ad-free experience implies less available ad space, which may have an impact on the venture's viability. The final result would be determined by the level of interest and adoption among X's user base.

Nonetheless, the concept is enticing. Consider this: consumers pay $20 per month for an ad-free X experience, while a more affordable $8 tier with some advertisements remains. This might potentially provide X with additional revenue sources through memberships without jeopardizing its ad business. The ad-free version may not see a significant increase in sign-ups, but it might be a crucial addition to X's verification program.

X's overarching goal is to encourage users to enroll in its verification program, which acts as a bulwark against bots. Currently, bot creators can quickly generate a multitude of profiles for various dubious purposes. In any case, in the event that all genuine human clients were checked and contributed a little month to month expense to get to the application, it could hypothetically prevent bot makers by making the cycle pricier. Furthermore, clients could without much of a stretch spot bots by searching for the sought-after blue tick.

Finally, X appears to be investigating the prospect of establishing an ad-free membership tier similar to Meta. This strategic move could attempt to increase X Premium adoption, produce additional subscription income, and improve the platform's ability to combat bots. While the specifics remain unknown, one thing is for sure: the tech business is always evolving, with tech titans constantly attempting to innovate and preserve consumer loyalty. Stay tuned because an ad-free revolution may be on the way.

Read next: X Social Media Launches Bookmarks, Content Restrictions, and Premium Features
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