New Study Reveals What Features Are Making People Buy the iPhone 15

The release of the iPhone 15 is bound to create ripple effects because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up pushing the technology to the next stage. It turns out that 16% of the people that currently own iPhones are planning to upgrade to the latest model, but 60% of those that don’t have such plans said that price was a mitigating factor.

This data comes from a survey conducted by Savings, and it reveals 27% of people that own the iPhone X are going to buy the iPhone 15 as soon as they possibly can. 22% of those that are currently in possession of the iPhone 11 said the same, along with 18% of iPhone 12 owners, 15% of iPhone 13 owners, and 10% of iPhone 14 owners. Even people that have older models such as the iPhone 8 or older are looking into upgrades, although just 8% of them agreed.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that 43% of those that don’t plan to buy the iPhone 15 stated that they might change their mind if they are able to get a stacked battery configuration. This makes it so that much higher battery life can be fit into a considerably less bulky package. Given Apple’s reputation for decreasing the battery life of older models, this requirement from customers certainly seems like it makes sense.

As for other things that would make people more likely to buy an iPhone 15 than might have been the case otherwise include the improved camera coupled with the more advanced zoom that they can take advantage of. 60% said that they want a better camera, with 44% stating that they want a higher quantity of RAM with all things having been considered and taken into account.

The introduction of the long awaited USB-C port, which was included thanks to the EU, is also a major factor for about 39% of the people that responded to this survey. The iPhone has often been criticized for not having the USB-C port for people to charge their phones with, although current reports suggest that this model will only be available in the EU at least for the time being.

The superior OLED display chip was a factor for 36% of buyers, with 34% referring to the upgraded processor that offers faster functionality. Furthermore, the size of this new phone appears to be something that a lot of people are looking forward to, with 32% citing it as a feature they like. The notchless design is keeping the trend going, with 27% of prospective buyers saying that it made them want to make a purchase.

However, it bears mentioning that those that are holding off on buying the iPhone 15 for the time being are also looking for even better features in the same niches. The impact that the release of the iPhone 15 will have on the state of the world, and indeed the tech industry in general, is hard to deny. It might also influence the next generation of smartphones all in all.

Read next: Apple’s Two-Year Free Deal For Emergency SOS Satellite Technology Sticks Around For New iPhone 15
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