New Alert Issued As Criminals Wanting Access To Social Media Apps TikTok And Facebook Are Now Posing As Cops

A new warning is on the rise by security experts regarding cybercriminals who wish to extract personal data belonging to users on TikTok, Discord, Facebook, and more.

Hackers are trying to pose as if they’re police officials to try and trick users by sending fake emails featuring a wide array of documents and claiming they are working for the government. Other than that, the emails entail some images featuring flashing goods that belong to their own personalized collection.

One such email targeted a user whom the official claimed to be dubbed as Montenegro’s Prime Minister whose purpose seemed to be getting access to the leader’s account and then using his email to further target a long list of services. And they feel that everything would go unnoticed since they're using the name of a prestigious leader on the front cover.

So now, the threat seems to be linked to emails that pretend like they’re from law enforcement agencies or government officials to try and victimize users with threats and harassment, just to get access to personal information.

The hackers first get access and then go about selling the government accounts through a long list of forums as well as group conversations, with popular choices being Telegram. Moreover, we also know more details linked to how one person happened to be an actual seller for such details on Telegram and he was giving email accounts on sale.

The price range is nearly $50 for an ID while some can go up to $100. Meanwhile, other images that were put on display by media outlet 404 Media spoke about other emails being affected that were linked to countries like Thailand, Germany, Nepal, and the UK.

So many of these ads boldly mentioned how the buyers make use of the email IDs to pursue emergency requests where it seems like they’re from the police and hence need to tackle a situation that has a high stake attached to it.

This might entail the likes of kidnapping incidents where the cops might need information at a swift pace to carry on with the investigation so they can catch those involved or help in finding the victim.

In other news, another group was located on Telegram that featured emails from the government that continued to be marketed in an explicit manner to get better access to information belonging to users. And they can go as far as hiring others to carry out shootings, theft, and even stabbing crimes against those being targeted.

Every firm has a fixed set of rules to follow when handling these kinds of EDRs. And in some cases, they have designated departments that could be contacted. However, they need to generate requests for these types of data collection arising from official government agencies.

This is the main reason why such hacked email accounts are of great importance to criminals out there today. They give hackers the chance to dive deep into getting information that’s usually not easily accessible to anyone. But by presenting themselves as the police, they’re getting a huge benefit.

The reports produced in 2023 showed how such fake incidents regarding false EDR requests continued to arise on the app Discord and just one day after that, both Meta and Apple were outlined as providing data to facilitate such demands, not knowing about the reality behind them.

Other platforms getting affected in a similar manner include TikTok, Meta’s Facebook, Instagram, and even Snapchat.

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