Google Rolls Out New Ads Policy To Enhance Transparency And Restrict Misleading Ads

Google just launched its Limited Ads Serving policy after the company spoke about building greater trust with its users by facilitating more transparency.

The search engine giant mentioned how the number of complaints it has been getting related to misleading ads continues to grow at an alarming pace. This is why it’s trying to curb such matters with the new Limited Ads Serving rollout that ensures users are safe and protected at all times.

The policy is designed to target all those advertisers who aren’t as well known as others and whose products end up as scams or actual misrepresentations of the product or service in focus.

And with this new protocol in place, the search engine giant says it hopes to restrict how frequently and how widely these ads are displayed through various platforms. And that prevents the chances of users coming face to face with deceptive schemes that such ads are linked to.

Google shared more details on how it would be carrying out the policy with a few pointers in mind. All of those advertisers that aren’t too well known or haven’t been working with Google for long are going to undergo a period of probation.

And that’s when they’ll see plenty of restrictions regarding ad impressions that their schemes could produce. The time starts when the ads rollout begins on Google where the campaign starts to target particular brands, especially when it’s unclear what sort of a bond or partnership the advertiser has with the brand in question.

This way, users have clear-cut images of who they might be dealing with when interacting with ads.

The company also mentioned how the new policy will enhance the whole user experience by making sure such ads arise from specific advertisers and those are the ones that can be trusted based on their previous records of ensuring transparency.

Whenever a user looks for a particular flight on an airline, the policy causes more ads of that kind to be displayed from the airline, its rivals in the industry, and hotels too.

Google says all advertisers will be required to showcase compliance to prevent the limited figure for impressions when rolling out the advertiser’s track record for future reference. Remember, the goal is to ensure users only engage with ads that are helpful and not anything that limits the chance to see something that’s misleading from advertisers who have a poor history of their past behavior.

Any advertiser that’s majorly affected by such policies will get alerts and be given guidance to attain the status of being qualified by the company.

In the same way, the Android maker also sheds light on how it feels advertisers can produce clear-cut services like linking domains to the title, especially in those cases when they’re not famous.

But what will the company look at when seeing the history of the advertiser from the past? For starters, user comments on their products and services would be gauged. Secondly, Google will check to see if the advertiser followed the company’s rules in the past or not. And lastly, they will be verifying the advertiser’s identity thoroughly.

From what we know so far, the policy is being rolled out to the masses at a slower pace than normal. And that’s because the company says it wants to make sure things go as planned and advertisers understand that they’re not being limited but actually being given more opportunities to better services for users on the platform.

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