Google is Working on a New Search Snippet That Could Change Everything

Google has long been attempting to advance its primary search engine product because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up keeping it ahead of the curve. Not all of these updates have gone over well with people, but a recent test that was noted by some online revealed a new search snippet that might be enormously useful.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that this search snipper will mention which websites a particular webpage has been mentioned in. It is being dubbed the “Mentioned in” section, and it has the potential to make Google’s search results far more useful than might have been the case otherwise.

When you click on the down arrow shown on the bottom right corner of your search result, an expandable snippet will open up. Within this snippet, there will be a carousel of all of the sites that have mentioned the site that you are interacting with, thereby enabling you to figure out if the website is truly an authoritative source of information.

The dropdown carousel was not the only version of the feature that was spotted in the wild. Other tests had the carousel visible by default without a drop down option, although this might make the SERP a tad cluttered which would suggest that the former option might work better.

One of Google’s core strategies these past few years has been to try to clean up its search results. Many SEO professionals had begun using keyword stuffing and other tactics to artificially rise up the rankings, and Google’s been trying to reduce this by prioritizing quality over quantity.

This new update will certainly be a positive step in the right direction, although it remains to be seen when it might get a wider rollout. Whenever that occurs, users will have a great deal more information to work with without having to do any more research. On the other hand, website owners will be distraught that they are losing even more clicks.

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