Elon Musk Gets Rid Of The Circles Feature On The X Platform

The much talked about Circles feature is going away, thanks to Elon Musk who made the decision as a part of his company’s transition from Twitter to X.

The feature is all set to be shut down and while he did hear rumors about this taking place, the team has now finally set out an official date of termination.

A statement regarding the matter was launched by the company today where it highlighted how 31st October of this year would see the end of this offering. Therefore, no user will be able to produce new posts which happen to be restricted to their Circle. In the same way, users will no longer be able to include more people in the feature as they were allowed to do so in the past.

The former management team at Twitter rolled out the offering in May of 2022and it was designed to be one of those features that could be used to enhance engagement through the platform. And that’s thanks to the greater number of social media interactions taking place within more private groups.

As you’re already well aware, people are taking a step back from generating public posts and they feel interactions done this way are safer and hence manageable. But the fact that so many users are working this way meant that such an offering couldn’t be missed out on for obvious reasons.

So to better discussions on this platform, the launch was carried out and it certainly appeared at that time that it would bring great value practically.

But there was always that thought which critics raised regarding Circles and the discussions carried out on social media were already restricted to DMs. Hence, people were already carrying out conversations in restricted places. However, the app argued that the goal was to grant better privacy for its users.

It was obvious that the trend didn’t take on as predicted and people refused to switch from their DM chats to those carried out in the Circles feature. After all, you’re bound to be more exposed here than there.

Thankfully, Elon Musk felt very much like this and now, we’re seeing how such an impact is taking center stage with the feature getting removed as early as next month forever from X.

Are we surprised, not at all. Will the change be major for users or will this have some sort of huge impact, we don’t think so. But if you were an avid user, it’s high time you embarked on the change and moved on in terms of making an update.

The company also mentioned in their statement that anyone or everyone who wishes to keep contacts from their Circles would first need to unfollow them and then refollow those very same account profiles again. This would efficiently get rid of this from the Circle. You can then add them as a part of your regular contacts.

Seeing this feature join a few others from the platform like Fleets and the much-loved Moments as true failures of Twitter is definitely a change that people will not mind and we personally think it was a long time coming, considering the status.

But many are looking at this as a part of the major transition that Musk has made from Twitter to X and such changes are just in line with the CTO’s theory of having a fresh start and making the right changes.

In other news, Twitter, which is now rebranded as X, will start to unleash old and inactive usernames or account handles. Hence, that means they’re free and up for use for those who would like to use them.

The change was unveiled a couple of months back but it seemed like it was running into huge delays after the user spoke about issues regarding saving or preserving accounts on the app. This was very true for those individual accounts where the user had passed away but the account was never shut.

Moreover, many people had sent out requests to Elon Musk about this and how they wanted to ban those who were inactive for quite some time now or perhaps add a status to their name that showed how the account handle was no longer in use and could hence be used by others. But here, you’ll need to bid on it as some are quite popular and many would want to make use of this feature, as soon as X is making it possible.

Again, it’s a shift from Twitter into X and one that Musk is very keen on adopting for obvious reasons. So, are you willing to join the bandwagon or not? Let us know in the comments section!

Read next: X Will Allow Users To Pin Communities To Their Timeline For Greater Interaction
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