57% of These Apps Are At Risk of Cyber Attacks

Cyberattacks are arguably some of the most pernicious and prevalent digital threats that are marring the user experience, and it turns out that many apps are not prepared to take any steps to prevent them. A study that was recently conducted by DigitalAi revealed that as many as 57% of the apps that they monitored were at risk of being compromised by malicious actors which can make them far less secure to use than might have been the case otherwise.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that apps in the Gaming category are particularly susceptible to these kinds of incursions. Based on the findings presented within this survey, a whopping 63% of them reported that they were attacked in the recent past. They were closely followed by financial services. Such apps are a common target because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up giving malicious actors illicit access to people’s bank accounts and transactional history.

One thing that bears mentioning is that Android apps are far more at risk than their iOS counterparts. 76% of Android apps were deemed likely to be a threat to user safety due to a lack of security protocols, whereas just 55% of iOS apps faced the same dangers with all things having been considered and taken into account.

Another interesting factoid in this study is that the popularity of the app was not necessarily going to be related to how at risk it would turn out to be. An app will not face an attack just because it is popular, which means that malicious actors are targeting weaknesses rather than going for the biggest prizes.

Users must be educated about the pitfalls of using apps without having proper security protocols that they can fall back on. Adding new layers of protection is no longer a negotiable aspect of traversing the world wide web, since it can lead to your personal and private data falling into the wrong hands once it hits the dark web.

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