Work anywhere, wander everywhere: The best remote jobs for digital nomads

For digital nomads, the world is quite literally their oyster. All they really need is a laptop and a strong Wi-Fi connection to complete their projects. Their ability to work remotely allows them to travel wherever their heart leads them, while still making a living. For all the globetrotters out there, this will sound like the perfect opportunity to fulfil any travel desires. It’s just unfortunate that not all jobs allow people to work remotely. Even the ones that do offer a remote option, may still require people to pop into the office every now and then.

Hybrid hospitality brand, The Social Hub, set out to help people who yearn for a job they can do while travelling, and create a list of the top careers for digital nomads. The research looked at 88 popular job roles and analysed the percentage of those currently being advertised as remote opportunities.

The full research is here.

IT Data Analyst reported as the best career for digital nomads

The technology sector was revealed to offer the most remote working opportunities, making it ideal for digital nomads. The top role for digital nomads is an IT Data Analyst role, where 19.3% of jobs worldwide for this position were advertised as remote. Data analysts are often hired within a company to collect and analyse data, to provide information and insight that could be used to make business decisions. These roles usually require a high level of analytical thinking, as well as skills relating to problem-solving, reporting, and data visualisation.

Software Tester ranks in second place, with 19.2% of jobs worldwide being advertised as remote. The primary responsibility of someone in this position is to ensure the smooth functioning of software by carefully studying it, running tests, and fixing any issues that may crop up. In today’s world, where most businesses heavily rely on the internet, these positions play a crucial role and will find job opportunities in almost all sectors. The work of software testers becomes indispensable in maintaining the reliability and functionality of the software, ultimately contributing to the success and reputation of the company.

The third-best job for digital nomads is a Product Marketing Manager, accounting for 18.6% of remote job opportunities. This particular role involves creating marketing strategies with the goal of advertising the features and benefits of certain products to customers. In addition, they play a vital role in communicating customer needs and ensuring the wider business meets these demands effectively.

Although they don’t get as much recognition as actors and directors, Screenwriters are the creatives who write and develop scripts for film, television, and computer games. People in this line of work will find themselves collaborating with producers, directors, and actors, though it’s common to work on a freelance basis. As a result, it’s no surprise that this role is the fourth-best job for remote working, with 17.8% remote opportunities.

In this digital world, companies are expected to have an online presence where people can go to explore their products or services. The ease at which people are able to navigate a company’s website can heavily influence that person’s buying decision. That is why businesses will hire a Web Developer to build a website or web application for the company. The most important tool for web developers is a working computer and a stable internet connection in order to carry out their work. That’s why the role was found to be the fifth best for digital nomads, with 17.1% of the available jobs being advertised as remote.

Digital nomads are good planners and opportunity hunters

For people who usually work a 9-5 and are used to a daily commute and routine work schedule, making the transition into the digital nomad lifestyle can be difficult. But for those keen to make the jump, there are a few things that they can do to make their spontaneous lifestyle easier.

Firstly, digital nomads have to be organized, effectively plan their time, and know where they will be in the world at certain points. People who want to travel around a lot, need to ensure that they understand the entry and visa requirements for each country and understand the tax forms and legalities of staying there. Leaving time before venturing to new places will alleviate any stress associated with moving around a lot, so digital nomads should plan ahead and know their next steps before they do it.

Digital nomads also need to effectively budget and plan their travels to ensure they don’t run into any financial struggles whilst away. Those planning to venture into the nomadic lifestyle should make sure they set a realistic budget that they can stick to, to ensure they know what they can afford to spend in each location.

Finally, budding digital nomads need to ensure they have a clear understanding and knowledge of their skills and the work that they can do. There is nothing worse than being in a country with online work drying up, so digital nomads need to plan ahead and make sure their pipeline is filled. Ultimately, this is how digital nomads keep living on the road and travelling around.

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