WhatsApp Is Working On New Interface For Restoring Chats And Faster Options To Make Media Viewable Once

WhatsApp never fails to impress its users with its long list of innovative changes seen across the platform. And today seems to be no exception.

For starters, the world’s leading texting app is rolling out a new restore chats interface. This is designed to ensure the screen for restoring chat sessions turns out to be more intuitive than what was seen in the past. And that presents more people with the chance to select however they want to restore chat history while providing a new and improved design interface along the way.

As it is, the platform is already providing users with the chance to transfer chat histories from one device to the next, without the use of Google Drive. This was a part of the older Beta update.

Before we forget, this new beta update is also bringing some problems with the app’s widget as it cannot load and display any recent texts. As can be seen with the app’s beta version for Android, users are still on the lookout for the latest bug fix on this front so they can finally get a solution for the matter. But we’ll keep you updated on that front, whenever it happens.

For now, the newest chat restoration interface will be up for grabs for some testers that download the latest WhatsApp beta on Android. And the company says more rollouts are expected to occur in the next few days.

In other news, the app is also rolling out a quicker means to make media files viewable once only. This trend was initially begun by Snapchat who set the precedent of providing users with the latest means to roll out texts that could be deleted on their own, after being viewed. And since then, more and more online apps have been following in the company’s footsteps.

Two years back, WhatsApp mentioned how it allowed users to send pictures with videos that only a few recipients may view once. But the latest on this front from Meta seems to be linked to the platform working on making it faster in speed and more convenient to access.

You can simply press on icons located across caption bars when you would like to send files with the intent that they’re deleted after getting viewed once. This is applicable only to text messages and not GIFs. But tech giant Meta says that with time, it could also be rolled out for other kinds of messages too.

We agree that this would really make lives easier but what Meta needs to focus on is making the feature fault free. There’s no guarantee that messages won’t be recorded by recipients through the use of another device. Hence, if you plan on transferring sensitive data, it could leak.

Facebook’s parent firm has really worked hard at putting its WhatsApp platform at the forefront in terms of security and encryption. But that does not mean hacks don’t arise on a routine basis, despite all the safety measures in place to keep users’ data secure.

Let's go back to an incident that arose last month. This was where loopholes were discovered that enabled hackers to deactivate any hacked accounts through a simple request. And during that period, Meta didn’t verify email IDs either. Therefore, hackers could launch burner accounts to conduct the task with ease. Thankfully, the firm opted to disable account deactivation with immediate effect. Still, such incidents are reminders of how such vulnerabilities continue to exist in today’s day and age.

Still, Meta is praised for working hard and launching more security features that give users a sense of relief that they’re being looked after. From 2FA to End-End encryptions for backup, the list has several great safety precautions in place. And let’s not forget the good old biometrics too. All in all, the company must be highlighted for doing a lot but the constant threat of hackers lurking and malware approaching ensures the firm stays at the end of its seat and continues to think out of the box for better protection of its users.

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