Too Much Screentime for Toddlers Can Inhibit Their Development, New Study Finds

A lot of parents give their young children phones and tablets because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up keeping them occupied. It is a common practice that can make parenting somewhat easier than might have been the case otherwise, but it might also lead to some unforeseen consequences with all things having been considered and taken into account.

A new study that was recently published in the JAMA Pediatrics journal revealed that too much screen time before the age of 2 can lead to inhibited mental development. These include their ability to communicate, the development of fine motor skills, interpersonal skills, as well as problem solving.

Toddlers that spent over four hours a day using screens were 4.78 times more likely to lack the requisite abilities to communicate with others, 1.74 times more likely to fail to develop fine motor skills, and twiceas likely to struggle to socialize.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that this is the first time that the harm of too much screen time has been announced with any degree of specificity. While there has long been an assumption that using tablets and smartphones can be detrimental for young children, the exact harm that was caused has remained a mystery up until now.

With the new study shedding some light on the specific harms that can be caused, it is high time that someone takes action before things begin to get worse. We are raising an entire generation of humans that are addicted to screens, and they may not have the ability to exist in society in a normal or effective manner.

Technology has made life extremely straightforward in a lot of ways, but in spite of the fact that this is the case, that doesn’t mean that its harms and negative affects can be ignored. It will be interesting to see if the findings contained within this study have any impact on legislation down the line, since it is becoming increasingly important to protect children.

Read next: Teens More Likely To Fall Into The Trap Of Believing Online Conspiracies Than Adults, New Study Reveals
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