Teens More Likely To Fall Into The Trap Of Believing Online Conspiracies Than Adults, New Study Reveals

A new study that’s based in the US is highlighting some alarming facts regarding online conspiracies affecting the younger lot more than adults.

The findings were attained from CCDH which spoke about older generations not falling into the trap of such ordeals but those who were between the age bracket of 13 to 17 were four times as likely of doing so.

This just goes to reveal how teenagers have a stronger bond with the world of social media than others in terms of believing everything they read online.

The CCDH who is known for fighting matters linked to misinformation added how 60% of such teens in the US that were surveyed were likely to believe such posts while only 49% of adults were found guilty of doing so.

Meanwhile, teenagers that spend close to 4 hours each day on social media apps were also more likely of falling into the trap where the figure rose to a whopping 69%. There also seems to be some kind of prejudice arising in terms of the teenagers of today saving society from the ill content that was made by those older than them. But in terms of misinformation, there’s just not enough people to save the world from the great damage that continues to arise, the CEO adds.

The head of the CCDH added how the matter is alarming because that undermines all the right information up for grabs as this is the future generation of tomorrow that will lead the world. And they’re not going to take the values of today’s society seriously if such actions continue to arise.

This particular research was seen polling close to 1000 adults as well as the same figure of teens on what their beliefs were regarding social media and its effects today. Similarly, it spoke about requesting respondents to mention if they agreed about all the conflicting statements that stemmed from misinformation data like those denying climate change and speaking ill of vaccines.

The report happens to be the newest source of data that highlights how negative of an effect social media has on the minds of youngsters. And as time passes, the implications get more serious.

Whatever the case may be, one thing is for sure. This CCDH research is making it very obvious how the effects of social media go beyond those linked to mental health while producing concerns linked to public health for the community today. After all, hate speech, violence, and misinformation is growing today.

The news comes at a time when we see the younger lot putting greater reliance on social media apps for information and for carrying out online searches. Moreover, recent stats also proved how tech giant Google showed 40% of youngsters rely on TikTok and apps like Instagram as compared to the classic search engines out there. And with only 5% of Gen Z reading newspapers, it’s alarming to see what’s being fed into their minds.

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