New Regulatory Scrutiny Causes Apple To Delete Dozens Of ChatGPT-Themed Apps From Its Chinese App Store

A new crackdown by regulators in China is all set to take center stage and leading iPhone maker Apple is making sure it’s at the head of the pack by taking necessary steps to ensure things go smoothly.

And if that means getting rid of so many apps that resemble the ChatGPT-themed flair across China’s App Store, then so be it.

The news comes after Apple claimed to get rid of hundreds of platforms that give rise to ChatGPT-themed services across the country. But it’s just in time as the government has planned routine regulatory checks to ensure things are going as planned and no app is in violation of its own guidelines.

As per a recently published article by the SCMP, the Cupertino firm removed several platforms that were related to this domain. There was a whole line of notices sent out to developers where the tech giant claims apps were getting deleted in bulk as the content on display went against the country’s rules and regulations.

These platforms were removed from the shelves as early as yesterday as per stats unleashed by Qimai today. And among those that were given the boot included iFlytek which was only recently launched and was getting popular with the masses.

Among the platforms that were pulled away, the famous ChatGAi Plus which serves as a chatbot was also included as were several others putting out writing services and AI translation services. And while they did end up getting rave reviews and high rankings, the records proved they would no longer be available for use starting today.

The sudden crackdown against Generative AI rollouts in the App Store arises just a few weeks before these new rules come into play on August 15. Here, the goal is to market healthy content and adhere to core values that this entire socialist nation loves to promote.

In the past month, we saw tech giant China roll out the latest and detailed rules regarding generative AI models. Furthermore, these were outlined as being produced by several regulators in China and they entailed input taken from the CAC and MIIT.

The rules are going to target more such services linked to generative AI and even those which deal with video, picture, text, as well as audio. Moreover, you’ll notice how it would soon be making it mandatory for companies that offer goods and services to the public to market the right kind of content online and stick to socialist values.

Similarly, it would not generate fake information and threaten the world’s national security as well.

Tech giant Apple says it would like to pull out platforms from the App Store in certain places around the globe where the need may be and where sudden changes in regulations have arisen. And no guesses related to the fact that China is just one of those places where you’ll find things like these arising more frequently than others.

For instance, we’ve been witness to the country getting rid of so many games from its App Store because new laws forced game developers to get approval from Chinese regulators first before they were allowed to operate.

The rules seem to be in the country’s best interest but that means more work for big tech giants in terms of adhering to the never-ending checklist of pointers outlined in these laws. After all, who wants to disobey a market like China where the tech sector is at the front of the global race.

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