Meta’s Oversight Board Calls For Reforms To Its Policy For Gender-Based Crimes

The Oversight Board from Meta is having a say regarding some serious policy changes related to crimes committed based on gender.

The board says that other than overturning decisions revolving around the preservation of posts on the Facebook app linked to domestic abuse, Meta should start thinking about policies that crackdown against content that considers such behavior normal, and even encourages it to take place.

Hence, Meta’s Oversight Board feels it’s time for Meta to justify how it's dealing with crimes and how its policies linked to fighting against harassment are arising that entail situations requiring medical attention due to serious injuries.

These developments come as a part of a response that was generated to another post from Iraq, nearly two years back. It spoke about women getting beaten for something as small as writing a note to her husband.

The female in the picture happened to be a resident of Syria and this particular post entailed hashtags that were used to delineate discussions that were in favor of women around the nation. On that note, one Facebook post reported that several times this year at the start but it was soon closed after it failed to undergo review.

Then we saw Meta get rid of the post after the Board took on the appeal linked to reviews. Now the problem is that the board claims that such content wouldn’t go against the firm’s harassment policies if the females mentioned happened to be fictional or could not be isolated. So for a good two years, no human review was generated when the report came out in the past year.

This is clear proof that Meta doesn’t put such violations a priority.

The company asked for a comment on the matter and that included whether it intended to put out such recommendations. Today, the firm has taken up recommendations as it did before but in the past, we’ve seen Meta be called out for not being transparent and for adding delays while sharing content.

In the past few months, we’ve seen Meta’s Oversight Board speak about major changes being required in the way the company operates, It even went as far as to outline how the misinformation linked to the pandemic it gets rid of needs assistance.

It similarly is pressing for rules that need to be more inclusive regarding explicit themes like the nudity of grownups.

Two months back, the Board outlined and set out demands linked to Facebook suspending the Prime Minister for Cambodia as he put out serious threats linked to violence against politicians.

Read next: Meta Agrees To Attain Consent Before User Data Collection For Targeting Advertising In Europe
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