iPhone 14 Pro Max Crowned Apple’s Best-Selling Model So Far

The iPhone 14 Pro Max variant from Apple isn’t coming slowly as the company labels it as its best-selling model.

It’s definitely in contrast to what was seen in 2021, where the iPhone 13 got the honor as users found it to be the best from the lineup on offer.

But now is the crowning glory period for the iPhone 14 Pro Max which may have appeared popular during the launch period but new stats prove that the trend is continuing even after that.

Experts claim that in most cases, the fad dies down as the launch time is when most people enter stores to purchase flagship models. But the case is different here as the trend continued throughout 2023’s starting half.

For so many years, we saw the iPhone base model dubbed as the most popular variant. Then we had buyers who weren’t so involved in the trends of technology speak about how they just wanted a new iPhone, and had no interest in which model was in question nor did they worry about the specifications that came with them.

CNBC reported this week how everything seemed to be changed when the lineup of Apple’s iPhone 14 came into play. To better put things into perspective, we saw how the iPhone 14 Pro Max version had shipments comprising 26.5 million units. This was during the January to July period and it happened to be the most from any manufacturing brand out there today.

This is in comparison to the mega 21 million unit shipments taking place for the iPhone 14 Pro version.

Remember, it was Apple whose four models made the top list of shipments for smartphones. In third place it was the iPhone 14 while second went to the iPhone 13. The former had 16.5 million units shipped while the latter had 15.5 million units.

We’ve seen this trend also be displayed for Android companies as well where clients are favoring the newer and more premium designs when compared to all others. And that’s news, considering how the figure for job losses is on the rise, not to mention the growing rates of inflation too.

The firm added how the demand for so many flagship models is quite strong and with the upcoming launch of iPhone 15 taking center stage, it’s going to increase in strength further.

This is exactly what was dictated by Apple’s top analyst who mentioned yesterday how the tech giant is putting its best bet on the upcoming iPhone 15 Pro Max variant to be the best seller of the upcoming lineup.

Meanwhile, another report spoke about how the analyst also feels the newest model would bring a rise in shipments from 35% to 40%. So as you can imagine, the Cupertino firm has its eyes focused on the iPhone series launch which comes at a whopping price tag too.

Therefore, Apple is staying very hopeful and positive about the periscope which is outlined to become the hottest selling point for iPhone 15 Pro Max and is exclusive to just this design. This would give rise to the greatest degree of optical zoom ever created by the firm and has so many picture enthusiasts excited for obvious reasons.

Are we really surprised to see the iPhone 14 Pro Max attain this much success and popularity? After all, there are plenty of facts that point out how both iPhone 14 variants were famous among Apple fans from the start. So seeing the iPhone 14 Pro Max get the reigning title isn’t a huge stretch.

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