Instagram’s New Update Will Let Users Create AI Generated Images and More

Instagram is perhaps Meta’s sole social media platform that still holds some sway with the younger crowd. Hence, the app is often a testing ground for newer features and applications that Meta might be experimenting with. It turns out that Instagram is working on a new update, and it might completely change the way people think about the social media platform with all things having been considered and taken into account.

An app researcher Alessandro Paluzzi has noted that Instagram is working on a feature that will enable users to create AI generated images within the platform itself. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that Instagram is clearly riding the wave of renown that has been surrounding the AI industry ever since ChatGPT blew the door wide open.

The way this will work is that users will be able to input a prompt which will then be turned into an image by AI. This might be part of Meta’s wider push into the AI space, although only time will tell whether their AI is able to compete with other generative AI such as Midjourney.

Furthermore, Instagram is adding another new feature that is really quite interesting. This feature involves allowing people other than the poster to add images to a given post. Each image will have to be approved before it is allowed to be visible on the post in question, and that will certainly allow for a bit of oversight that would make this feature safer than might have been the case otherwise.

All in all, these twin updates show that Instagram is showing no signs of slowing down. The social media platform is leveraging AI and also expanding the social nature of its platform by allowing communities to interact with each other in all sorts of new ways. It will be interesting to see how users respond to these features once they receive a wider rollout. They might help Meta recover some of the ground it has lost to competitors such as TikTok as well as YouTube.

Read next: A Growing Threat: How AI Poses Risks to Cybersecurity in 2023
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