Community Notes On X Gets Streamlined As Company Hopes The Fact-Checking System Evolves With People’s Usage

We’ve been hearing a lot about Twitter’s Community Notes and how the fact-checking program was designed to give users more insights regarding why they would see it pop up against their posts.

The feature has been in use for the past three years but after Musk rebranded the app as X, it seems like change was inevitable. Today, the firm has opted to streamline the feature and that means no more extra content would be added to users’ posts online including tweets for X, if they already are familiar with the concept.

The news comes to us in the form of a post by an employee whose called Lucas Neumann that detailed more on the happening and how Community Notes will change as more and more people evolve with time being spent on the app.

The more familiar you are, the fewer explanations you’ll need about the program, and therefore, you don’t need to be constantly reminded how it works. But the same won’t be the case for those who are new to the app.

As the company added today, Notes was designated for those that were new and not familiar with the entire concept of fact-checking and how it could benefit them and their overall experience on the app. As time went on, people grew skeptical and that forced Twitter to launch a guide that would no longer leave them clueless.

They would be more and more equipped to understand how things work and how little details can make the world’s difference in terms of calling the content out as friendly as well as trustworthy.

Other than that, it was coming from a source called the community who were not employees and that is why the firm started to lean more toward abundant text, more than anything else.

With more and more people trusting the feature, the company feels X can finally streamline Community Notes and refine it into a wonderful ordeal that’s much more simplified.

Yes, such changes are tiny but they’re worth it and is a clear understanding to X’s users of how the feature actually works. Remember, it underwent a revamp from Birdwatch in 2022 and since then, we’ve seen it refine to a whole new level that is similar to the wisdom needed on apps of today.

Anyone that wished to spread misinformation on the platform would no longer be able to do that. The feature uses an algorithm that tries to achieve a consensus regarding individuals that fail at sharing similar views. And you cannot very simply turn into a contributor either for Notes. You’ll first be required to prove that you have what it takes to produce helpful views.

Once you nail that, you can attain contributor status and carry on adding your contributions, or else you’ll be deprived of that right, after getting it. Above all, no edits or changes can be made by members on X so that’s another plus point for users.

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