Apple Has No Plans To Launch More Generative AI In 2024, Top Analyst Predicts

Apple is known to lead the pack when it comes down to innovation but you just might be surprised to hear this next piece of news.

The Cupertino firm is reportedly not keen on making any further launches in the Generative AI domain, despite arch-rivals Google and Microsoft racing ahead to cinch the top spot.

The iPhone maker seems to be taking things slow and steady and is not going to make any rollouts in the upcoming year, a leading analyst named Ming-Chi Kuo claims.

This was a clear wake-up call for those who felt Apple might be feeling the pressure from top competitors and fellow rivals in the tech world who have set their eyes on the winning prize which is AI. But as far as 2024 is concerned, that won’t be the case and little importance would be given in this regard.

The hype train is not something the tech giant plans on taking, anytime soon and hence it won’t be adding generative AI to the firm’s hardware as well.

There are no signs, the analyst revealed, that delineate how Apple would incorporate AI edge into its innovative range of hardware products for next year. This means it’s going to be hard to gain benefits for its shares and the firm’s supply chain, he continued to mention in his post.

The analyst further reminded the world how that means Apple is very behind in the race of innovation when compared to other rivals in the same industry. Both Google and OpenAI are making some major developments in this sector and plenty of AI advancements are already a part of their services including Maps and the popular video-sharing YouTube app.

There are several speculations that tech giant Apple is believed to be working on in terms of the Generative AI domain, We’ve seen the firm create its own AI-powered chatbot that is utilized by engineers at the organization.

But Apple did reveal how no plans are in place right now in terms of weaving this chatbot into the long list of products and services launched by the firm.

Let’s not forget how tech giant Apple will be putting up its earnings call for the quarter tomorrow. So depending on this recent analysis, it seems like AI won’t be having any good impact on the firm’s shares after the results of the earnings performance go public.

Last but not least, the analyst did shed light on how the production as well as the shipments for Vision Pro that’s designated for 2024 would be fairly small and that would serve as another challenge for it to positively impact Apple’s shares.

As it is, more reports are highlighting how the Cupertino company has already started to reduce production, thanks to the complex nature involved. So as you can tell, there’s a lot of things happening that must be considered.

Read next: New Regulatory Scrutiny Causes Apple To Delete Dozens Of ChatGPT-Themed Apps From Its Chinese App Store
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