78% of Zoom Users Lose Their Trust After Disastrous AI Experiment

With so many companies attempting to gain some type of footing in the rapidly growing field of AI, it was only a matter of time before Zoom tried its hand. The video conferencing company saw tremendous success during the pandemic because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up allowing remote workers to conduct meetings. However, this success was not maintained, which is why Zoom gave AI a shot.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that Zoom tried to scrape user data to train AI earlier this year. While the platform claimed that the data would only be used with consent, users were understandable irate about their video calls being used to train machine learning algorithms, and this led to them trusting Zoom less than might have been the case otherwise.

It turns out that 78.1% of Zoom users lost at least some of their trust in the platform after the AI debacle, as surveyed by HomeSecurityHeroes. 74% stated that they don’t agree with Zoom using their data, 70% feel like Zoom only backtracked after it was called out, and 96% stated that they would be using competitor apps instead with all things having been considered and taken into account.

This has clearly been an unmitigated disaster for Zoom, with the company already struggling to maintain any semblance of growth after the pandemic pushed it to new heights. Betraying consumer trust can be harmful because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up forcing them to jump ship.

In their desire to stay ahead of the curve, Zoom seems to have committed the cardinal sin of changing the terms of service without asking users beforehand. Even though the company has now clarified that no visual or audio data will be used in the future, it appears that the damage has already been done. Only time will tell whether or not Zoom is able to survive this debacle, but chances are that it is already too late.

Read next: Which Nation Is Most Concerned About User Data Being Misused Online? This Study Has The Answer
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