Which countries are leading the way in Meta's Threads usage?

The forthcoming of newly social media platform Thread has gotten a lot of attention so far. Some people say that it is just a lower-hand version of Twitter. At the same time, others argue that Thread is highly innovative and captures the essence of Instagram but on a conversational platform. The debate of whether Thread is an excellent creative work will continue for a while. However, people have already tried to download the app and experience the offering firsthand.

In this blog, we will look at the statistical data for countries with the most Thread app downloads that will reflect the people's interest within that nation. Before we get on the stats, this data collection period is just 7 days, from 5th July to 12th July, and contains Android and IOS users.

In the first position, India has the most downloads for threads, with 54.2 million users making 33.5% of the entire download ratio out of  around 150 million. Second place goes to a country located in the deep hearts of South America, Brazil, with 36.5 million downloads, making a ratio of 222.5%. The US is next up on the list, as the download from here are 26.1 million, the 3rd place on the list, and a 16.1% ratio.

The controversial neighbor of America, Mexico, is right behind at the 4th position with a ratio of 7.6% of total Thread downloads and 12.3 million users. Japan had 7.3 million user downloads contributing a 4.5% in total downloads making it in 5th place, and the UK was in 6th place with a 4% actual ratio contribution and 6.5% user downloads.

Next, we have the countries with the most petite downloads for threat since they are all below the top 6. In the 7th position, we have Taiwan with 2.9 million downloads and a 1.8% ratio, and 8th place goes to Canada with 2.6 million downloads adding a total of 1.6 of the total ratio. Last but not least comes Australia with 1.4 million downloads and only a 0.8% contribution to the total, making it in the 9th position. At last, comes Vietnam in the 10th position with 0.6% total part take in the ratio and 0.9 million downloads in 7 days.

One noticeable thing about these stats is that significantly few European nations were on the list because European people can’t use Thread since Meta has faced some privacy issues in the past and Threads collect extensive data of its users. However, other nations (that aren’t specifically dominant in their downloads) all contribute 11.4 million downloads and a contribution of 7% to the entire ratio of downloads.

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