Twitter Claims to Have More than Half a Billion Users While Launching New Hiring Platform

Elon Musk’s troubled tenure as the owner and CEO of Twitter has led to many advertisers boycotting the platform. The lack of content moderation stemming from Musk’s supposed status as a free speech absolutist has alienated many of the brands that were helping the company pay the bills, but the soon departing CEO is still attempting to diversify Twitter however he can.

One of the many attempts that Elon Musk appears to be making in this regard is that he is having Twitter rollout a new platform for Verified Organizations. This platform will allow organizations to hire people from within Twitter itself, thereby posing a bit of competition to LinkedIn and its historical business model.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that Twitter made an unexpected revelation when revealing the introduction screen. Apparently, Twitter has reached around 528 million users. If this happens to be true, it will suggest that the platform has attained its highest user count since it first started operations.

In spite of the fact that this is the case, some are reacting to these claims with a healthy amount of skepticism. Musk is notorious for inflating statistics because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up making his companies seem more successful than they truly are.

Regardless, Twitter Hiring seems like a bold choice from the CEO with all things having been considered and taken into account. Organizations will reportedly be able to add up to five open positions within their company on their profile page. This will help connect them to the many users that Twitter has to offer, although it remains to be seen if the claims of 528 million users can hold water.

Musk might be vindicated if the statistics are factual, since they will indicate that his controversial strategies have brought the company unprecedented success. The final rollout for this new platform may reveal the truth of the matter at hand, potentially creating a new mess for incoming CEO Linda Yaccarino to deal with.

H/T: Nima Owji

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