OpenAI Launches New Custom Instructions Feature That’s Designed To Recall User Commands

The problem related to leading AI chatbots such as ChatGPT is how most of them fail to recall any users that may have used the technology.

This means added effort on your part in terms of repeating similar commands on a routine basis. However, if you feel that might be a little annoying and time-consuming, we’ve got some great news for you.

The makers of ChatGPT are rolling out a new and exciting feature that’s designed to recall a user’s commands. Hence, no matter how many thousands of individuals have ended up using the chatbot, it’s now going to remember you exclusively.

The endeavor is called custom instructions and it’s giving users the freedom to include specific details and information linked to ChatGPT which can be used later on, at any given point in time.

Image: Discourse Digital

The news came in the form of a blog post that shed light on how the company has listened and acted upon the feedback coming in its direction. And the demand for custom instructions was at an all-time high. The goal is no longer related to starting fresh chats but is more linked to related previous commands with the same user and remembering them along the way.

ChatGPT is now going to remember all the customized commands and the chatbot would help use this benefit in making sure the user no longer has to repeat their demands for data in each chat they initiate with the AI tool.

There was a list of interesting examples provided too including how exactly it all works and how you can interact better for a seamless user experience.

When and if programmers make use of ChatGPT for assistance with tasks such as coding but are not keen on using Python, the programmer would be able to inform the system that next time around, no use of Python is necessary.

Those in the education sector can use this feature to recall any specific instructions added to lesson plans so that next time around, it saves them time and effort from repeating the same ordeal again.

For now, this new rollout is definitely being applauded by the masses as it’s set to be useful, not to mention, was a long time coming. But it’s in beta right now for those having a paid subscription to ChatGPT Plus which costs $20 each month.

The rest can wait a few more weeks as that’s the expected date for the launch.

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