New Survey Shows People Are More Likely to Ask for Financial Advice than Relationship Advice

Americans are traditionally the types of people that prefer to handle things all on their own, and a recent survey commissioned by AmeriLife and conducted by OnePoll seems to confirm this with all things having been considered and taken into account. According to the results that can be seen in this survey, just 22% of respondents said that they like to ask anyone for help.

In spite of the fact that this is the case, 75% said that they themselves are great at helping others. What’s more, when viewed in the lens of financial management, 55% said that they don’t have much trouble asking for help in that regard. However, one thing that might change their view is if they are undergoing a period of financial strife.

36% of the people that responded to this survey stated that they would find it more challenging to ask for the aid of another individual during financial struggles. Interestingly, 30% of women said this as compared to 24% of men.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that more Americans would be willing to give a public speech than ask someone that cares about them for some financial assistance. This might stem from 69% of Americans being of the opinion that they possess a superior level of financial know-how to anyone else around them, which could make it difficult for them to admit when they are in a precarious position financially speaking.

Also, 27% of Americans said that they found financial management to be stressful, which might also explain why they are so hesitant to ask anyone to lend them a helping hand. 26% said that they would prefer to just have someone teach them the fundamentals about financial management, with 23% stating that they would rather just receive money. Such trends can have an enormous impact on society, since they can determine what people will do whenever there is a global economic crunch such as the one that the world has been experience since the pandemic wreaked havoc.

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