Meta’s New Twitter Clone Was Temporarily Released On The Google Play Store

For a while now, we’ve been hearing a lot about Meta working on a new rival for the Twitter app and as you can imagine, this news did not go down well with the company’s CTO Elon Musk.

More competition from Meta for Twitter means the latter needs to pull up its socks because from what we’re already witnessing is that the platform is struggling with revenue generation and bringing back advertisers to put the company back in the race again.

Today, social media expert Alessandro Paluzzi made use of the great benefits of reverse engineering to put some interesting news out there. It was linked to the new app by Meta called Threads pop up on the scene in the Google Play Store.

He announced the news on his own Twitter account this morning and now, we know that it’s no longer present so that hints that the sudden rollout could have been a mistake of some sort. After all, the app is no longer seen anywhere.

Then we went on to see how the expert put out some screenshots that featured all sorts of elements such as login screens where users can sign in through accounts on Instagram to attain access to the platform.

Meanwhile, another screengrab showcased a list featuring followed accounts through picture and video sites so as to select who can follow the Threads and who cannot. But the question is are we really that surprised at how similar this thread appears to the Twitter app?

Not really because we’ve been hearing about it for a while now and from what we’re seeing through pictures, it’s more or less the same thing. Moreover, there is even one post that features character counts and a paperclip icon that’s used to attach any media file or more that’s allowed.

While viewing such posts, it’s quite familiar to see how there are similar icons like Twitter for generating a reply, adding a like, adding shares, and more. Similarly, the images for users are designated in the form of tiny circles and if that was not enough, you’ll find blue ticks found on Twitter and the Instagram app too.

We’ve been hearing about the creation of this new Twitter rival app by Instagram since the start of this year. But don’t get confused because, during that period, it was dubbed Project 92. And when the makers of the platform were asked about it, the response they got was very interesting.

Meta’s officials claim they’ve been getting all sorts of feedback across the board from various creators and users that they’d like an app that was similar to the business model of Twitter but had a leadership that was run by some sane individuals.

Such big things were being said and people were awaiting the announcement of the release. And after seeing the update from Alessandro today, we don’t think that day is far from when we’ll be seeing the app gets launched for the masses very soon.

Read next: Senators Want Meta To Explain Why Instagram Is Failing To Prevent The Circulation Of Child Abuse Material
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