Meta Under Fire For Its Privacy Policy As Norweigian Regulator Threatens Firm With $100K Fine Per Day

Meta is in the hot seat for its privacy policy regarding data tracking across its Facebook and Instagram apps.

The tech giant is under intense pressure from a data regulator in Norway who mentioned in a recently published press release that it would be fining the company $100K per day starting early next month till November for failing to abide by its rules and regulations.

The regulator says it’s got plenty of evidence that clearly delineates how the behavior is illegal regarding user data tracking and since the company fails to see the matter in a serious light, they’d be penalized for their actions.

The news comes right after we saw a court verdict coming in from Europe where Meta was banned from collecting and making use of data belonging to its users such as their locations and preferences. The company was using this for the purpose of ad tracking but that was deemed to be illegal and the company was fined for its actions.

The terrifying news for Meta is how the investigation by the Norway-based regulator would soon be expanding in other places across Europe so that spells more trouble for tech giant Meta who would be answerable to the tough and daunting Data Protection Board in the region. And when that happens, we could soon see Facebook’s parent firm getting more fines and greater pressure from authorities.

For those who might not be aware, Norway is not a nation that’s part of the EU. It functions independently from it at the moment.

Speaking to media outlets today, Meta says it’s busy reviewing the accusations that are coming its way and the decision being taken by Norway’s main data regulator. They also confirmed how the verdict taken on by them would not come into effect immediately and that its services wouldn’t be hampered.

They hope to carry out more constructive conversations and meetings on the matter and reach a unanimous conclusion that would be in both parties' interest, it added.

This matter is definitely very serious and one that has been in question for quite some time now. The tech giant is facing immense pressure across the board throughout the European region regarding data tracking and privacy policy.

This is just one of the main reasons why it is yet to launch its Threads app in the EU as it fears that it’s got plenty of work to do before it can make regulators in the area happy.

Read next: Meta Rolls Out Exciting New Video Content Features For Its Platforms Including Editing Tools
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