Google Revamps Its Mobile Software Policy So App Developers Can Integrate NFTs In Play Store Games

Google is going to make a lot of app developers happy after announcing the decision to integrate the world of NFTs into games on the Play Store.

The popular tech giant says that the new policy would give the green light to digital assets, which forms a major chunk of the latest update in question.

Product Manager from Google, Joseph Mills explained how platforms need to be more transparent when it comes down to digital assets that are tokens. In the same way, it added how developers won’t be given the chance to market or glorify any form of earnings that arise from the trade or play on such apps.

Moreover, those apps that don’t happen to be in accordance with the company’s policy for play and gambling or those that fail to be aligned with the eligibility criteria are those that don’t have permission to take on funds to accept NFTs.

Such limitations could prevent newbies from the NFT world from getting tricked into assuming that purchasing assets in the form of tokens may end up in huge gains. And it’s a marketing strategy for a few endeavors in this space.

Experts feel such changes would give rise to more platforms on the Google Play Store to rethink the age-old concept related to classic games. And at the end, it would further increase the loyalty that users have via NFT rewards.

Google says it hopes to see more users take advantage of both games and better experiences on the app soon. More developers are taking part in the journey of assisting with tests linked to the new policy so that everything goes according to plan.

And the Android maker has been taking assistance from apps like Reddit to ensure its plans are successful as the popular platform has been great with both crypto wallets as well as with NFT avatars. Hence, Google is making sure it’s getting all the help it needs on this front.

In the near future, Google Play says it has big plans to ensure a number of industry partners would help in apps related to blockchain and beyond.

But while tech giant Google continues to work on its policies, another leading app store that goes by the name of Apple continues to be steady. We are seeing Apple take the most cautious means to build its digital ecosystem with the addition of fees for sales linked to products like NFTs. Surprisingly, not many lot creators of NFTs would agree to things like this.

Last year in the month of October, we saw the iPhone maker mention how its apps are given the chance to enable users to list down and transfer any relevant NFTs that are on offer. But its rules ended up stopping users from owning the digital assets and unraveling more offers on the platform.

And even if the user can use the app to scavenge collections, they are stopped from displaying external links or CTAs for their purchase.

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