Google Allows Users To Save And Share Search Results With A Simple Swipe

Search engine giant Google is trying to add more convenience into the lives of its users with the addition of a new swipe feature for sharing and saving search results.

The tech giant says it hopes to enhance the entire user Search Generative journey with such simple tabs that serve as shortcuts. And in a day and age where time and convenience are of the essence, we can only understand how and why this is going to be adored by the masses.

Through a smart device, you’ll be required to swipe in the right direction through Google Search and then be given the option for sharing and saving too.

Moreover, you’ll be astonished to know that the endeavor was rolled out in May of this year and that is when the Android maker was busy carrying out SGE testing in a public manner.

What happens is that when you share, it makes the share sheet pop up from Google Chrome or the Android panel pop up if making use of the online app. You get to include URLs in a default manner as well as the ability to save them through a bookmark feature. This goes directly into the tab dubbed Collections for future reference.

If you’re on a smartphone, don’t be surprised because the feature called Add to Sheets won’t be popping up and you’ve got to enable it. In the same way, from the looks of it, users are only going to be given the chance to swipe on one search result that they attain by Google, and that too, you’ll need to ensure that no other links are attached to it.

In the past, users could gain access to the functionality through the menu that featured three dots. Such swipes are being hailed because they are giving out plenty of reasons to celebrate as the perfect solution that further goes on to encourage others to use the company’s feature for bookmarking favorites. And yes, that’s a feature that has been prevalent for quite some time now, in case you didn’t already know.

The feature is currently popping up for those accountholders that have the feature for Search Generative Experience switched on. But we don’t understand quite why that is the case because when you come to think of it, it’s not exactly linked to it directly.

H/T: 9to5google
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