ChatGPT Integration Helps Microsoft Edge Close in on 300 Million Users

While Microsoft has a virtual monopoly on PC operating systems and the various software and programs that go along with it, one area where it has significantly stayed behind is in that of web browsers. Internet Explorer became an inside joke in the internet community, but in spite of the fact that this is the case, Microsoft tried to replace it with the new Edge browser in order to take a second stab at the web browser market.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that Microsoft Edge got closer to the 300 million user mark, with 285 million users in total. While it is still falling short of Google Chrome which has over 3.3 billion users, as well as Safari which currently has over 1.1 billion, Edge has made up quite a bit of ground since its launch.

This is thanks in no small part to the integration of ChatGPT into the Edge browser because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up adding a massive amount of extra functionality. The browser added an extra 50 million users after integrating ChatGPT, and it is not a stretch to believe that this AI allowed Edge to grow faster than might have been the case otherwise.

However, another browser by the name of Opera is growing at a rapid rate as well. Opera has added 41 million users year over year, which represents a 40% increase. This seems to suggest that Edge still has a lot of work to do if it wants to become the dominant web browser that Microsoft wants it to be.

Opera is currently in fourth place, with about half the users as Edge. Coming in close at its heels is Firefox with 150 million users, just 2 million shy of Opera’s total. It will be interesting to see if Opera is able to widen the gap even further as the year goes by, which would rob Firefox of its once secure position as the most popular alternative to Chrome as well as Safari.

This chart shows Browser market share worldwide

H/T: Atlasvpn

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