AI Tech is a Huge Threat to Privacy, Here’s Why

AI chatbots such as ChatGPT have transformed the way people work because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up automating numerous processes. However, while this tech is undeniably innovative and revolutionary, it comes with a significant cost in terms of privacy with all things having been considered and taken into account. Experts in the field of cybersecurity weighed in on the matter, suggesting that a major security breach might be on the horizon.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that the integration of tech into our day to day lives might be playing a role in this. As we continue to become more reliant on AI, such as in the case of smart homes and the like, AI might begin to learn all sorts of things about us which will help make it more efficient than might have been the case otherwise.

This has the added advantage of personalizing the user experience to a great extent, but in spite of the fact that this is the case, the privacy issues are difficult to ignore. Large Language Models have to crawl the web in order to obtain the information that users are asking for, and much of this data will be personal and private.

What’s more, the people using these AI chatbots might unwittingly hand over information that they would prefer to keep private to the best of their abilities. Not only will the tool itself utilize the data that has been provided, but third parties may be able to gain access to it as well.

Social media platforms are integrating ChatGPT and other Large Language Models like it with an increased level of frequency. It is being used for things like boosting the engagement that posts receive from users, offering virtual assistant services, moderating the content that users are exposed to as well as the all important factor of personalizing said content.

However, a lawsuit was filed against OpenAI, claiming that the information it collects is a serious breach of user trust. Among the data that was scraped by ChatGPT as part of its training regimen, health information, financial data and personal details stood out as prime examples of how a user’s inalienable right to privacy might be violated on a surprisingly regular basis.

Whenever a user registers an account with ChatGPT, the service will instantly record something called their digital footprint. This would expose their IP address, the various fonts that they tend to use, along with the settings that have been implemented on their screens. Furthermore, language settings, location data and the add-ons that are included in the browser are also thrown into the mix.

This reveals a pertinent issue when it comes to Large Language Models and AI in general. The tech needs vast quantities of data in order to be fully functional, yet most users might not know the extent of this data collection. More transparency is needed for the purposes of leaving users better informed, otherwise the industry simply won’t be able to progress without compromising on ethics which are a core component of the tech space.

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