44% of Hypercasual Gamers Opt In for Ads

The release of Apple’s App Tracking Transparency protocol could have been a death knell for many industries because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up making it impossible to target users with ads. However, it seems that the opt-in rate for ads is growing. Data that was just released by Adjust revealed that 37% of app users on Apple devices are opting in for ads with all things having been considered and taken into account.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that hypercasual games perform even better in this metric. 44% of people that play games of the hypercasual variety prefer to opt in for ads even though this may result in a decreased level of privacy than might have been the case otherwise.

The gaming industry in general is doing well at enticing users into opting in for ads and allowing the developers to gain access to their personal data. The sports gaming sector saw a 44% opt in rate as well, with racing games enjoying a 40% opt in rate.

This just goes to show that the gaming industry is offering good incentives that make the opt in worthwhile for users across the board. Players of these games are acutely aware of the benefits of targeted ads, namely that they can aid them in finding the next game that they would like to play.

Now, according to Adjust, there are certain tactics that can be implemented to drive the opt-in rate even further up than it currently is. For example, experimenting with cross promotion can yield exceptional results, with opt-in rates potentially reaching 59% or even beyond this.

Instead of trying to work around ATT, marketers would do well to factor it into the equation. Sweetening the deal for users can lead to mutually beneficial data sharing, so in a way, Apple was successful in its attempts to make the industry less unseemly and force things to happen over the table instead of under it which was how it used to be done.

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