Woman Credits Apple Watch For Saving Life After It Detected A Blood Clot Inside Her Lungs

The advent of modern technology is known to assist so many people but the revolution it has managed to make in the health sector is worth a mention.

Today, the Apple Watch is gaining even more fame than before after a 29-year-old woman who hails from Cincinnati went viral after revealing that this device saved her life.

The Cupertino firm is getting recognition after Paige Barnes from Ohio reported on the matter and claimed the woman named Kimmie Watkins is giving full credit to the Apple Watch for being a true lifesaver.

She claims that while sleeping, the watch was able to detect a blood clot and that really shocked both her and doctors because it was spot on in terms of the diagnosis. Therefore, you can see her wearing the watch today with immense pride, hoping that such a scare would help raise awareness on the matter and have more people wear the gadget.

Watkins revealed that people think that this watch is just a fashionable accessory but it’s a gadget that really does wonders in terms of your health and the faster this is made public, the more lives it can save.

Watkins mentioned how she had a huge clotting disfunction in her system which she had no clue about. Therefore, she’s trying hard to get back on track and ensure her stamina returns to normal. For now, doctors have recommended that she stay on medicines like blood thinners.

It’s amazing how she learned about such a deadly clot on time as that could have been fatal if left undiscovered, doctors have gone on to mention.

Experts are not surprised at all by such a report. They claim that it’s about time that more people came out in the open and spoke on this matter. Let’s not forget how the gadget has the capability to even measure heart rate in the daytime and see if the rate gets elevated when they’re resting or not.

This is the explanation of how Kimmie’s clot was explored. She says that napping was the answer after she felt super tired and lightheaded. And while she was fast asleep, this Apple Watch alerted her about the sudden irregularity where the figure went up to 178 beats. Instantly, she was alerted on the matter and that’s when she got up.

Today, she’s thanking her lucky stars because such things are very serious and should never be ignored. Moreover, getting the right kind of medical attention is the next step and that’s just what she did.

Doctors say it was a rapid pulmonary embolism that has a fatality rate of nearly 50%. And such conditions put limitations in terms of blood flow in a person’s lungs and can drastically result in a medical disaster if not managed or treated at the right time and place.

Clearly, Apple has another winning case at this hands-on why it’s being called out as the pioneer in revolutionizing the medical world.

H/T: Local12

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