Gen Z Dominates Game Installs and In-App Purchases

According to the latest analyst report from Fluent, Zoomers, aka Gen Z, are more obsessed with online gaming applications. As per the report, almost half of the Zoomers carry at least four or more games on their mobile phones. The current generation has been found to be more addicted to their phones than any other generation.

Around 26 percent of them have at least seven or more gaming apps available on their phones. Surprisingly, Gen Y, aka the millennials, were not far behind, as almost forty-five percent of them have four games, while twenty-three percent of them have a total of seven or more apps on the device.

On the basis of the types of games being preferred by the users, those who were found to be more inclined towards RPG games had four or more games; almost fifty-eight percent of them showed the same results. Similarly, those who were interested in casino games had the same thing going on. Further analysis showed that even if a user was not interested in using gaming apps, they would still carry at least one. Almost fifty percent of them agreed to it.

When survey participants were asked about the changes they would be making to the number of available games, fifty-nine percent of them were satisfied, whereas nineteen percent of them were planning to add more games to the list. Zoomers were not only the generation with the most obsession, but they were also found to be the ones thinking most about reducing the number of installed games.

Those users who had more than seven games were most likely to increase their numbers. Twenty-four percent of them planned to increase it, while thirty-two percent of them had just planned.

While responding to questions regarding ads, forty-eight percent of them had no specific preference, whereas forty-five percent of them wanted advertisements not to be displayed in the app.

And lastly, purchases made within the app have become quite common. When asked about it, fifty-eight percent of them confessed to making a purchase at least once a year. While 45 percent of them would do it every month. Once again, Zoomers took the lead, as sixty-two percent of them agreed to it.

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