Elon Musk Is Keen On Settling His Differences With Mark Zuckerberg Inside The Ring

Twitter’s CTO Elon Musk is very keen on settling his differences with Meta’s CEO but he wants to do that inside a ring.

The billionaire mentioned how it’s appalling for many people to understand that the two tech giants have a lot of disagreements on many things. So the best way to go about the situation is battling it out and he feels the ring is the best place to do just that.

During the later hours of Tuesday, the tech giant went as far as to mention on his social media account through Twitter that he would be taking time out to respond to some mega rumors related to Meta working on a rival app that would go head to head with Twitter.

He called that out as Threads and even explained through the app how such launches would just give tech giant Meta so much more power.

But that’s when we saw one Twitter user go about and respond to Musk’s writing, ‘Better be careful!’ And that was related to the fact that the Meta CEO is trained in the martial arts crafts like Ju Jitsu.

In case you thought that would scare away Musk, well, think again. He says that such challenges excite him and he’s already willing to go up fighting against anyone and everyone and if that means the tech kingdom, then so be it.

In the year 2016, we saw CEO Mark Zuckerberg criticize Musk’s company and claim how disappointed he was in the firm after the satellite owned by Facebook had been completely destructed.

The billionaire even requested some users of the app to get rid of Facebook as he felt it was no longer worth it and came under the title of being lame. Then in the month of May, we saw the tech giant bring up a huge disagreement again and severely criticized Zuckerberg as a person and claimed his company can’t be trusted.

For the most part, we know that Mark Zuckerberg has been putting in some kind words for the world’s second-richest individual. Just this past month, he acknowledged Musk’s efforts in terms of causing Twitter to shrink. This was a time period when Zuckerberg tried to better his own firm by flattening his own Meta organization.

We’re not quite sure what sort of a match this might but one thing is for sure. Musk might be taking Zuckerberg for granted because that man is so in shape right now!

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