Digital Piracy Rose By 18% in 2022, Putting Pressure on the Entertainment Industry

Online piracy can be troublesome because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up eating into the profits of the entertainment industry. Considerable efforts have been put into attempting to curb piracy, but they have not been all that successful at making it less prevalent than might have been the case otherwise. A British piracy tracking company by the name of MUSO recently revealed that this problem is actually getting worse.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that digital piracy rose by around 18% between 2021 and 2022. It now covers just under half a million distinct TV shows and movies, or 480,000 to be precise. MUSO CEO Andy Chatterley went on to say that online piracy is now more prevalent than has ever been the case in the past, and the entertainment industry is certainly starting to feel the squeeze.

In spite of the fact that this is the case, the industry is not taking this trend lying down. They have changed their strategy of tackling individuals who are illegally downloading content and are instead setting their sights on larger platforms and institutions that are facilitating such activities. The creation of the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment has done a lot on this front with all things having been considered and taken into account.

Piracy operations that serviced millions of users were shut down in countries like Egypt, Vietnam, Brazil and Germany, reducing the quantity of illegal streaming and download services from 1,443 to 143 in the US alone. This is over a 90% reduction, and it will be interesting to see what the long term implications of this might look like.

While it is still relatively easy to download content for free despite legal obstacles, ACE is striving to make this a thing of the past. Whether or not they succeed is largely contingent on how they can convert digital pirates into genuine consumers who are willing to pay for the privilege of watching any kind of content.

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