ChatGPT Subscribers Rejoice As OpenAI Rolls Out New Browsing Feature

If you happen to be a fan of ChatGPT and were on the lookout for the tool offering browsing services for search-related queries, well, you’re in luck.

The makers behind the popular AI endeavor are giving users the chance to surf online through mobile devices. However, the only catch here happens to be related to the fact that it would only be allowed through the Bing domain.

The news related to the rollout of the exciting new feature went public today after OpenAI made it very clear that this was a feature for those subscribers of ChatGPT Plus. The latter is the name reserved for the premium variant of the firm’s chatbot that’s powered by AI technology.

This means using the new feature on the tool means selecting the tab that says Browse with Bing. And that’s it. You’ll be provided with a list of answers in minutes related to your browsing queries.

The company says this can be enabled simply by making your way toward a section called New Features in the app. Then simply press GPT-4 and click Browse by moving to the Drop-Down list.

You can find this on Android as well as iOS ChatGPT platforms, further confirmed.

OpenAI mentioned how browsing is conducted in a useful manner for questions linked to current happenings and other data that go beyond the tool’s classic data that are used for training purposes.

When you click on browsing and disable it, the tool’s knowledge ends up getting cut off.

We last heard from the firm at the start of this year how browsing would pop up at some point in time soon and we’re glad to see them stay true to their promises and have it launched now.

It arrived on the web first and now, it’s making the tool so much more useful as an assistant for things like research and academic purposes.

Before that, when queries were put forward toward ChatGPT, it failed to blurt out anything useful or accurate.

But when you end up restricting the tool’s capabilities linked to the world of ChatGPT, it ends up making a rather hostile decision. As expected, all business motivations are very clear and then we saw OpenAI having close links to Microsoft.

The company ended up making investments worth $10 billion in the firm but it’s also true that Bing is not even close to being the world’s top search engine.

When we look back at research conducted in the year 2011, one study showed how it was being treated in the most unfair manner and set out more replies that had to do with Microsoft results than links having to do with Google.

On the other hand, Stanford research showcased proof of how the top results linked to search entailed a huge chunk of disinformation.

The computational giant keeps on improving in terms of making Bing’s algorithms so much safer. However, the issue with this new browsing rollout is that in case Bing starts acting up, there will not be any type of alternative on offer when making a selection.

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