Researchers Discover YouTube Ads On Many Climate Change Denial Videos Despite Platform’s Pledge To Demonetize Such Content

So many social media platforms have been struggling for so long in terms of combatting issues linked to misinformation on climate change.

But despite their efforts, many including the likes of leading video platform YouTube are still struggling. Thanks to recently conducted research, we’re hearing more about how researchers have found YouTube still putting out ads on some content that clearly denies climate change.

And the shocking bit has to do with the fact that YouTube pledged in the year 2021 that it would be demonetizing such content to put an end to the matter. Clearly, that has not worked out too well in their favor.

Across a span of just 18 months, we saw the tech giant pledge how it would prevent such climate change denial videos from being promoted across its algorithm. Researchers added how they found a staggering 100 different types of videos that violate their own policy and continue to feature ads, enabling them to be monetized.

This happened to be mentioned through a report that featured advertisements for brands like Costco, Tommy Hilfiger, and even Politico that were aligned alongside the video content. They collectively had nearly 18 million views as a whole.

One ad for the film 80 for Brady even popped up right before a video stated in bold terms that there is no such thing as climate change and the entire ordeal might be a huge hoax as per a report published by The New York Times.

Actress Jane Fonda revealed how startled she was by the behavior to see how one of her own film ads featured in a climate change denial video. She’s been a strong activist for going green and protecting the environment for quite some time now. Therefore, seeing this behavior had her in awe.

Meanwhile, a coalition comprising nearly 50 different environmental organizations and the Center for Countering Digital Hate mentioned in the videos how it did not find a substantial link between temperature change and Carbon Dioxide levels. Meanwhile, each model that was ever put out in this regard was wrong.

So many researchers claimed that YouTube continues to ban videos entailing harmful misinformation that receives advertising revenue. And this kind of policy is applicable to video content that contradicts the authoritative scientific consensus on the presence and reasons for climate change arising.

CAAD claims it found another 100 more videos featuring nearly 55 million views as a whole that did not go against the app’s policies but did end up meeting a newfound definition for climate misinformation and disinformation.

This group claims that this is a clear indication of the app profiting from video content that falls out of the narrow definition of what makes up climate disinformation. Moreover, by the time the authors of the study ended the research, they saw the app demonetizing eight more videos from the dataset including this.

CAAD added how the videos that were continually being monetized regarding this controversial topic had a whopping 71 million view figures.

The entire concept of content moderation is very complex and some videos that go against the app’s policies will end up slipping through cracks like these. But some of this climate change denial content that the CAAD found on such channels had nearly one million different subscribers.

A spokesperson for YouTube adds how the app really does practice its climate change policies stringently and vows to take more action against those going against the app’s terms and conditions. They similarly mentioned how they are more than open and welcoming to feedback from third parties.

Read next: Google’s Threat Analysis Group Deleted Over 20K YouTube Channels In Q1 Of 2023
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