Google Launches Its New AI-Powered Search Engine And Here’s What Users Can Expect From The Generative Experience

Google’s much anticipated I/O took place yesterday evening and that’s where the tech giant unveiled a series of new and exciting features to its already-existent search engine.

But what was really the talk of the town is how the company is adding a more generative AI experience to its Search initiative. And some of the new offerings entailed a further perspective of the AI-produced pictures and labels.

For starters, the company witnessed adding new perspective filters that enable searchers to filter the results of the search and produce better results from the likes of blogs, forums, and even videos. Such results are aimed to showcase a more lived experience when users are trying to search for something specific as confirmed by the firm’s VP for Search.

It’s quite clear that searchers of today are on the lookout for responses from those individuals who are putting out their personal experiences and responses across user interfaces that are deemed friendly and more consumable for the young searcher of today.

But what exactly such perspectives appear like is a question worth pondering.

Well, after clicking on the perspectives filter, you’ll witness long and short-form videos, pictures, and written posts that have people sharing discussion boards, social media apps, and sites for questions and answers.

The search engine giant would be displaying some more details regarding the content creators like names, profile pictures, and data on how popular such content is.

On the other hand, similar to how the firm rolled out its About This Result for producing results that are more based on text, another similar endeavor is getting rolled out for the likes of similar pictures that were indexed by its search engine. The latter is where the image might have popped up at the start and now, it’s about seeing where else you can find it like television, news, and more.

The company has also spoken in detail about its AI-produced labels for pictures. Google mentioned how it unveiled an innovative markup for the owners of websites so they could label pictures as being produced by AI technology when necessary.

This might be a new data label in meta and can be included through manual means by owners of a website as well as publishers. And in its Image Search, the tech giant would be revealing which pictures are produced by AI and which are not.

The tech giant does not have any plans to label pictures as AI through its algorithm because it just is not ready for that as the system cannot differentiate machines from humans. Therefore, they’re bound to rely more heavily on image creators to make such labels.

The new search engine that’s AI-powered is definitely being labeled as more human and visual. And if you wish to gain access, well, there’s a waitlist that lets you do just that. So you could be just a few weeks away before playing with just that.

As far as the interface is concerned, it’s going to set out answers through AI right above the listings for search responses. The company is going to label them as Generative AI and then it would be closely followed by another answer to the question.

This response would be boxed and the company plans to cite the sources used to find the response. Moreover, such a site could be clicked upon so you can dig deeper. Similarly, users could follow up with more queries and press the toggle buttons located at the top right-hand side to dig deeper.

This came with another explanation by the company regarding how ads would appear like on Google’s new generative experience.

It’s been revealed that advertisers will not be able to track down immediately how their ads would be performing. But this is just for now as the whole thing is experimental.

The company vows to keep a close eye on how such ads are placed including its performances and user experiences during this trial phase.

Clearly, it’s exciting times for users at Google and it’s going to be interesting to see how people take this new initiative.

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