Surveys suggest that workers might still quit their jobs despite receiving a good salary

According to the latest survey conducted by Forbes Advisors, a good salary is no longer enough to keep employees. Over the past few years, workers have started to find jobs that not only offer a higher salary but also come with worker benefits.

The survey was based on the responses collected from two thousand participants, of whom one thousand were workers and the other half were managers. The results suggested that forty percent of the workers would resign from their current jobs for better opportunities in terms of labor benefits.

When participants were asked about the most necessary advantages that could be offered to employees, health care covered by the company topped the list, with sixty-seven percent of the workers and sixty-eight percent of the recruiters agreeing to it. Healthcare was followed by life insurance as the second-most important compensation package. At number three, the survey had proper retirement plans. While mandatory paid time off was highlighted by workers as an essential package, the idea wasn’t well recognized by the recruiters.

When they were asked to highlight major cultural traits, balance in work and life secured the top spot, followed by gaining trust and team companionship at the third spot.

While highlighting the factors that might drive workers to quit their job or make them look out for other jobs, they included a good salary as the major reason, which was shortly followed by a better compensation package. The survey listed better opportunities at number three, with 22% of the managers agreeing to it. The work-from-home policy that was introduced at the time of the Covid-19 pandemic has become an important part of workplaces, and flexibility in it was also among the reasons for which an employee might move on from their current job.

And lastly, a four-day work week, despite being more preferred by the older workers between the ages of fifty-six and seventy-six percent, wasn’t common among people of lesser age. However, it still became an important factor that might influence workers to leave their jobs.

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