Should You Use AI to Write Content? Google’s John Mueller Provides His Perspective

AI chatbots such as ChatGPT made it a great deal easier to write content than might have been the case otherwise. In spite of the fact that this is the case, questions arose about whether or not this content will be suitable for SEO on Google and other search engines that are perhaps less relevant. So far, it’s seemed that Google does not necessarily penalize website owners for using content that was generated by a chatbot.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that Google’s John Mueller had some stronger opinions on the matter at hand. He stated that the overall quality of AI generated content is too poor to be viable. When a user asked Mueller if ChatGPT’s 80% uniqueness justified its use to create content, he responded by comparing it to a 20% toxicity level in food.

Mueller clearly is not enthusiastic about AI chatbots. He considers them harmful because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up lowering the quality of online content that can be searched for on Google.

Another user asked Mueller if using ChatGPT to generate content for their legal blog was feasible, to which Mueller responded with a sarcastic no. He asked the Twitter user if they would be satisfied if a lawyer did the same thing prior to representing them in court. The answer will clearly be no, which just goes to show that ChatGPT and other chatbots like it are not quite advanced enough to be relied on completely.

H/T: Mastodon
All in all, Mueller’s position is that chatbot generated content is fine as long as it is not being intentionally used to manipulate search engine rankings. Website owners can create content using chatbots, but they will need to go over it to make sure that it is relevant and to maintain quality. Upcoming upgrades to ChatGPT might make it a more suitable source of content, but until then, website owners would do well to proceed with an abundance of caution just to be safe.

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