New Investigation Discovers iPhones Being Injected With Spyware Through Exploitation Of Apple’s iCloud Calendar

A shocking new investigation has alleged how a top surveillance firm from Israel managed to inject spyware into iPhones.

The company in question was outlined to be QuaDream which is based in Isreal and was carrying out illegal behavior by exploiting the iCloud calendar system belonging to Apple.

These findings were recently put out in the open by watchdog Citizen Lab and also by Microsoft who dubbed the spyware ‘EndofDays’. It was used in 2021. Hackers from the firm made use of the zero-click exploitation endeavor which is another name used to hijack Apple devices without the need of pressing any button.

After getting infected, EndofDays has the ability to record audio through phone calls and even click images without anyone noticing. Furthermore, it can carry out searches across user devices for things like files and other capabilities that entail features for self-destruction. These are designed to wipe out trails of any spyware in use.

This new self-erasing ability just makes it so much harder to comprehend the entire scope of such an attack. In this particular report, there was clear evidence of exploitation of Apple’s iCloud calendar invites that were sent out through spyware operators for victims so the attack could be delivered.

This type of spyware has samples that can erase events from the respective iOS calendar that are linked to specific email IDs. Citizen Lab has been busy examining iPhones that belong to at least two different victims. It showed clear evidence of tampering via calendar invites through ICS files.

The attackers making use of these tags may facilitate the addition of such XML data that gets processed through users’ devices. And that is what triggers undesirable behavior.

It’s very much possible that such spyware popped up after arriving via emails that carry such malicious invites for calendars. Moreover, these are designed for events that were logged in from the past and it stopped iCloud from notifying some people regarding such invites. But researchers just could not get their fingers on the XML data through such files.

At least five different people’s devices had been infected including media persons, journalists, NGO workers, and those opposing a particular political party. They were spread across regions in Central Asia, North America, Europe, South Asia, and even the Middle East.

While Apple seems to have patched up such exploits in the past two years, thanks to several software updates, computational giant Microsoft revealed how it is very probable that the firm updated tactics for hijacking Apple devices on the latest iOS version.

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