Gen Z Shoppers Are Very Different Consumers, Here’s How

Gen Z is going to be the defining generation of the next few decades, since they will be the ones determining a number of consumer trends with all things having been considered and taken into account. It’s obvious to state that their opinions and preferences will be markedly different from those that came before, but in what way will these differences manifest?

According to data coming out of Jungle Scout, 32% of Gen Z shops online every single day. This is far higher than the 25% of Millennials, 15% of Gen X and just 7% of Baby Boomers that said the same. However, it’s not just shopping frequency that will change with all things having been considered and taken into account.

Another massive difference between Gen Z and their predecessors is where they go to search for the products that they are interested in online. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that well over 40% of Gen Z begin their shopping journey by going over to TikTok, and that makes the Chinese social media platform far more important than might have been the case otherwise.

Instagram is another important source for shopping research among Gen Z, with over 35% saying that they go there to look for products. Focusing on these social media platforms will be crucial because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up allowing brands to properly target Gen Z.

One company that looks to be pretty secure is Amazon, since just under 60% of Gen Z admitted to going there whenever they are on the lookout for products that they want to buy. In spite of the fact that this is the case, search engines like Google appear to be declining in prominence.

YouTube is also putting up a good fight here, with far more Gen Z using the video streaming platform to look for products than any generation that came previously. TikTok, YouTube and Instagram look well set to dominate the ecommerce industry in the coming years.

H/T: Junglescout

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