Here Are the IT Certifications That Get You the Highest Pay

With the tech industry fast becoming the most profitable sector in the world, countless people have started to get IT certifications because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up helping them join the field. The payscale at companies operating in the tech sector can be tremendously high, so certifications can be useful since they can make it more likely that you’d get a high paying job than might have been the case otherwise.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that AWS Certified Solutions might be the single best option of all. Participants who end up going for the Professional grade certification can earn as much as $168,000 per year on average! That is a rate of pay that is hard to come by, and it is a testament to just how valuable these types of qualifications can be for those that take the necessary steps to complete them.

Following this, we have the Certified Information Security Manager qualification. While it doesn’t net applicants quite as much as AWS, successfully compelting the course could make you eligible for a salary of over $162,000 per year with all things having been considered and taken into account.

The Professional Cloud Architect qualification from Google Coud is yet another example of something that aspiring tech workers can opt for. It focuses on a lot of tech that is centered around one of the largest tech corporations in the world, with average salaries regularly topping the $161,000 mark.

Only 4% of survey respondents said that they completed this course. That suggests that it is a great option for someone that wants to enter a field that has not been impossibly cluttered by a surge of workers looking to make ends meet.

The CISSP, short for Certified Information Systems Security Professional, is also a certification that is in high demand. Employers regularly over salaries of around $158,000 for people who manage to get through its rigorous training which makes it quite a worthy option.

H/T: Skillsoft

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