Mr. Beast Helped 1K Blind People Get Their Sight Restoration Surgeries But The Internet Didn't Take It Quite Well

One of the biggest content creator on YouTube, Mr. Beast, uploaded a video on his channel where he paid 1000 blind people for their surgeries. Not everyone took the video lightly and criticized the content that Jimmy Donaldson (Mr. Best) is showing his viewers. The video, which was released on 28th January, has received 78 million views until now. In the video, we can see Mr. Beast standing ahead of a crowd of blind people where he says that he is going to arrange a sight restoration surgery for 1000 blind people. Donaldson partnered up with a nonprofit organization called SEE international whose chief medical officer did the surgeries for blind people.

Not only the surgery, but Mr. Beast also gave various prices to the participants including $10,000 in cash, a $50,000 cheque, and a Tesla. When the video got uploaded, the viewers loved it so much and showed an emotional response to it. Mr. Beast said that he didn't expect such a response to his video but he is thankful that people are enjoying it.

Apart from positive responses, some people also took this video negatively. A twitch streamer, Hasan Piker, commented that the cost of surgeries and healthcare is so high in America and this video will hurt the sentiments of the people who cannot afford it. He also said that Mr. Beast just knows how to make content out of people's problems. After this tweet, many people contributed their thoughts. Some people said that those people in the video shouldn't have taken Jimmy's help to fix their problems. Now people are going to expect that rich people will solve their problems.

Many tweets started accusing Mr. Beast of gaining clout in the name of surgery. Some of the people said that Mr. Beast is just doing all of this out of pure sympathy and his intentions are good. When this situation became worse, Mr. Beast came to Twitter to say that he only has pure intentions, and he just wanted to help out the people. Many influencers and YouTubers supported Jimmy Donaldson, saying that what Donaldson did is great and that this world needs more people like him.

Keep in mind that Mr. Beast is always known for making these kind of philanthropy videos, and he always makes sure that he can help people with his content.

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