Google Calendar to Get Default Spam Protection

Receiving spam in your email inbox is something that most people tend to expect, and it can be easy enough to manage. However, when the spam starts coming to your Google calendar, things can suddenly become much harder to deal with than might have been the case otherwise. This is a problem that has started to occur surprisingly frequently with Google Calendar in particular.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that Google is now trying to fix this issue once and for all. Spammers had previously been able to draft emails using precise language that could trigger an incessant stream of event notifications on the Google Calendar app. In spite of the fact that this is the case, it appears that the upcoming version of Android will end up resolving this by turning spam protection on by default.

Many Google Calendar users might have seen a notification this morning which informed them that they were now going to be able to take advantage of default spam protection. This will do a lot to improve the user experience with all things having been considered and taken into account. Spam is a real threat to user security, and it can make it difficult for them to actually use Google Calendar in a practical manner.

One thing to mention here is that this is not the first time that Google is trying to roll out something of this sort. The tech juggernaut recently tried to enable spam protection, but it did not go so well since users had a few too many options. The latest version of this default spam protection will allow known senders to set up event notifications which will reduce the requirement for automation that made the previous rollout such a disaster.

Updates like these are likely going to dramatically increase the number of users that look into spam protection options. Google Calendar will probably see an uptick in terms of usership, and that will make it a top contender for the tech corporation as it moves forward into 2023.


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