Chrome Aims To Run Blink Engine On iOS Instead Of Apple’s Required WebKit

In what is being described as a new and breakthrough experimental effort, Chrome is hoping to run the Blink engine on iOS instead of the necessary WebKit engine by Apple.

For those who do not know, all iOS requires web browsers to function on its designated browser search engine called WebKit. This includes all of those belonging to third parties such as Google Chrome and Mozilla’s Firefox.

The WebKit is the same search engine that Apple’s Safari browser is built on. Furthermore, it’s actually quite different from the manner by which Android functions. The latter enables all kinds of search engines for browsing to work without adding particular specifications.

And yes, the debate continues regarding how many people from the open web continue to argue about Apple’s limitation of competition by serving as a dominant or monopoly in the industry. It just prevents competition and does not allow other web browsers to function accordingly on its devices like iPads and even iPhones.

Meanwhile, one new project was conducted that was recently spotted. This is highlighted to cause a major shakeup in the industry for browsers across iOS devices. Moreover, it’s being called out to allow for a change in the future.

Chrome is carrying out the trial to allow porting of its full Blink search engine on the likes of iOS. And yes, if that does occur, it might be a real game-changer for obvious reasons.

Chrome’s team is very clear about how it’s not intended to be a product that’s yet for release or to be shipped out to the market just yet. After all, such a browser would end up being a clear violation of the policies witnessed on Apple’s App Store.
On that end, the latest plan is to transfer the content shell app instead of carrying out reassembling the entire Chrome browser maneuver. This particular barebone browser could be used by the Chromium team to see how Blink and other important components for the browser happen to run across iOS.

Chrome further mentioned how the entire ordeal has to do with measuring graphics and various other input latencies by setting forward traces for the likes of different analyses. Clearly, Chrome has no intention of breaking or violating the App Store’s policies. But some people are now raising questions as to why Chrome is taking part in the experiment in the first place.

Some might call it a form of wasted effort because the policies by Apple won’t be changing. But one benefit of this decision could be showing the world what it would look like to have another browser functioning across iOS.

Whatever the case may be, we’ll surely keep you updated on this front.

For now, Google Chrome’s team says it hopes to set out instructions for all of those interested developers that wish to try out the Blink Engine for their own personal knowledge on devices like iPhones and iPads. They also are welcoming any form of contributions from the community too.

H/T: TheRegister

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