Android’s Weight Loss Apps Help Monitor Progress But Interfere With Digital Privacy As Per New Study

The new year is on the horizon and we bet your new year’s resolutions are in full swing.

Now is the time to make a list of goals you plan on achieving and stick to it. But we’re pretty sure weight loss and taking care of your health are at the top of the list.

Many people look to different apps to help keep a track of their weight loss progress and monitor the results simultaneously. Among those include Android’s offerings but before you blindly start using them, you might want to take a look at what this new study says.

A data privacy agent that goes by the name Incogni (owned by Surfshark) is sharing insights on apps taking advantage of your privacy while giving you benefits. And you might be amazed to learn that some categories fare so much worse than others.

The study reported some peculiar findings after taking 344 apps from the Google Play Store into consideration, ranging from 16 different categories. Each of them has a certain score for privacy risk.

Now, Incogni’s team has started to go over the type of protection level as well as the type of permissions required to use such apps. Users are giving out dangerous permissions and it’s amazing how they are unaware of what they’re getting into.

The results provided a number of huge differences right off the bat among the different categories out there today. The category outlined to be for weight loss had the worst results from the start and that’s related to the worst privacy practices.

Another shocking point had to do with apps linked to decorating and renovation. These came in second, and it was very closely followed up by the likes of apps that nagged users to go out and exercise so much more and spend less of their time on places like social media.

With the bad did come some good news. It was linked to apps that had to do with quitting smoking as it entailed a very low score for privacy risks at just 23.3. This might give you the motivation you need to quit smoking in the upcoming new year.

A new analysis linked to Android apps also highlighted a few more trends. Out of the apps that had been studied, around 84% requested permission that was dangerous.

And according to researchers, dangerous permission was one related to high risk as they provide apps access to data belonging to private users and end up controlling the device.

Around 74% of applications end up asking for your permission to read specific content linked to the USB storage. Meanwhile, 66% had to do with altering or deleting USB storage

As per the researchers, you need to be aware of three categories that really stood out for all the wrong reasons. This entailed weight loss, decorating and volunteering so next time you plan on installing such applications, you’d be required to think twice.
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