4 SEO Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential tool for any business that wants to increase its online presence and generate leads. Almost every company invests in SEO to have their brands rank higher on search engines, driving quality traffic to their brand and increasing credibility.

Photo: Unsplash / Tim van der Kuip

Integrating SEO yourself can take time and effort. For excellent results, most businesses prefer outsourcing their work to SEO companies. To ensure your content generates high traffic and quality leads, choose the best SEO company in the USA. If you want to save money and add SEO strategies yourself, then for effective results, you must familiarize yourself with some common SEO challenges businesses face. Such as the ones mentioned below.

1.Slow Indexing in SEO

Indexing refers to adding a webpage’s content to search engines to be considered for rankings. If your website has high-quality content with keywords and an appropriate URL structure, it will likely be saved in the search engine database. The search engine will display your website near the top when somebody searches your keywords. However, you can hinder indexing with poor content quality and weak internal linking. Similarly, overuse of non-relevant keywords will decrease your website’s ranking. For optimal indexing, you must have proper internal linking, relevant keywords, and accurate information to create quality content.

You should set up Google Analytics and search console. Google Analytics will give you data about visitors, their time spent on your page, and their location, while the search console will highlight any indexing or security errors for you to work on.

2. SEO Algorithm Updates

The SEO algorithm constantly evolves. To ensure your website continues to generate high traffic, you must keep up with SEO updates, such as the Core Web Vitals algorithm update. Google announced this algorithm to give users a more pleasant and secure experience than ever before. Core Web Vitals focuses on website stability, Interactivity, and site load speed, so well-designed websites have an edge in the algorithm.

Note that search engines adjust their algorithm regularly to ensure there aren’t just a few websites always staying at the top on the SERPs. In addition, continuous shuffling of website ranks can allow users to enjoy new features that the websites may offer. While these updates may improve user experience, they require you to update your website to stay SEO-optimized. Ignoring algorithm updates over time will lead to less online visibility of your website, reducing your organic traffic. To overcome this issue, you must create an in-house SEO team to optimize your website. Or another cost-effective way is to outsource the work to an SEO agency.

3. SERP Rankings

Search engine results pages (SERPs) are the pages you see after searching on a web browser. Websites ranked higher on SERPs enjoy more traffic and sales. You must understand the search engine algorithm's trends to ensure that your website has strong SEO and a higher SERP ranking.

Ensure your page is structured accurately with proper HTML markup to improve your SERP ranking. Your page content shouldn’t have any spelling or grammar mistakes. Consider investing in tools like GTmetrix. Such tools analyze your website performance and give you suggestions to improve it. They help you adapt to the constantly evolving SEO landscape and secure your ranking. So the website traffic won’t drop, and you will continue to generate revenue.

4. Slow Loading

SEO values user experience and only ranks content that is easy to navigate and quick to access. Page load speed is vital for SEO and influences how Google ranks your website. Slow site load speed translates into a negative user experience. This turns the visitors away and decreases your website ranking. On the other hand, fast sites offer a positive user experience, so Google ranks them higher.

To ensure a high website ranking, you must hire a team to work on your website’s development and maintenance. The team should effectively decrease the loading time while ensuring no vital design element is lost. Optimize your website’s loading time by having your website development team consult with the SEO team to integrate effective maintenance strategies.

To increase site speed, you can minimize CSS files. It is a process of removing unnecessary characters, spacing, and comments in your content which can negatively impact site speed. In addition, you can enable image compression to minimize image size in bytes without degrading its quality. This is an excellent way to optimize your site's loading times.

Another significant factor determining website speed is your host. Web hosts allow you to publish your website over the internet and significantly influence your website performance. Choosing the right web host, such as Bluehost, can boost website speed and performance.


SEO problems hurt the search rankings of many websites. To ensure your business shows at the top of searches, you must develop your website according to the search engines. Site visibility indicates how successfully you have optimized your site for search engines like Google. The higher your ranking in search engines, the more likely you will get more organic traffic through clicks. Consider building a team and dividing tasks to keep up with the algorithm updates. This method ensures your website has top ranking and quality traffic.
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