Google To Soon Launch Security Option That Blocks Insecure Downloads Through HTTP

As days go by, HTTPS is becoming so much more common across the internet. And to combat the issue linked to them, Google Chrome is on a mission to block all insecure downloads via HTTP.

In the past, it was observed that only certain entities carrying sensitive details like banks needed such a feature for security and encryption, now, most people rely on it as if it’s a default. This is true as more and more web pages end up handling data on a usual basis.

Google mentioned how it continues to add protection for Chrome so that it encourages HTTPS connections in situations when it’s possible.

Not, browsers can highlight any HTTP websites with a label that mentions ‘Not Secure’ at the address bar of the page. In the same way, we saw Chrome block those webpages that were secure from making use of insecure web forms or offering some downloads that are insecure.

This unique combination is better known as mixed content where you have an interesting blend of both secure and insecure types of elements.

Meanwhile, in a more recent way, we saw the firm make a toggle in the respective security settings so that the option of making use of secure connections is always selected. This enables us to realize and make attempts for upgrades to the HTTPS website version.

In case you end up navigating to the version that happens to be insecure, you’ll be presented with warnings on the screen and it’s up to you if you’d like to continue or not.

It’s quite clear that Google is on its way to expansion and toggling to protect all users from receiving HTTP downloads that aren’t safe. And that is above and beyond mixed content download by blocking installations done from any type of server, or matters linked to insecure websites.

For instance, if you end up clicking the HTTP link for downloads and you watch it redirect you to another HTTP server after a final HTTP connection, Google Chrome may block out downloads as being unsafe. At the same time, if you end up going through a website that’s seen on HTTP, all downloads from here would be blocked in due time.

Similar to the way Chrome ends up blocking other websites and installs that are insecure, you can bypass such blocks that could serve as loud warnings about what you’re really doing.

Sources: 1 / 2 / 3.

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